Privacy policy

Privacy policy

In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December 1999, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), you are informed and expressly consent to the inclusion of the personal data you provide to us through this website, (hereinafter, the website), in the personal data files controlled by the Fundación European Hydration Institute (hereinafter, FEHI), whose registered office is located in Pza. de Pablo Ruiz Picasso, nº 1, Torre Picasso, planta 28, 28020 Madrid, Spain.You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and objection to such personal data by either of FEHI’s channels of communication: through a written notification sent by ordinary post to the Data Controller’s address, indicating the reference “FEHI Data Protection” on the envelope, or by using the email address [email protected]

FEHI informs and you expressly consent that your personal data, provided when completing the data collection forms provided on the website, will be used for the purposes of replying to a request for information submitted, for Website’s navigation management, for Statistical purposes, to inform you by E-mail about updates/News/ FEHI Web contents, for participating in different surveys or in services’ evaluation and in order to comply with relevant legal obligations. However, if you object to any of the purposes of use detailed above, you can utilize either of the contact alternatives established in the above paragraph to lodge your objection.

Likewise, FEHI will hold your personal data for the purpose of sending updates (of FEHI Newsletter, Scientific Hydration Library and News/ FEHI Activities) including by email or equivalent electronic means such as SMS messages to mobile telephones, concerning the services offered by FEHI, only if you have expressly consented to this by marking with an X the appropriate box on the registration forms.

Your acceptance of the use of your personal data in the manner outlined in the preceding paragraphs is always revocable, without retroactive effects.

Personal data will not be communicated to third parties nor used for marketing purposes.

It is forbidden to include in the website’s free text fields any personal data whatsoever of third persons, as well as personal data relating to ideology, trade union membership, religion, beliefs, racial origin, health and sexual orientation. If you fail to comply with this obligation, you will be liable to FEHI and to the third persons concerned with respect to any damages as may occur due to noncompliance.

FEHI does not investigate the veracity of the personal data provided, so, in each case it will accept the personal data provided by you, and you are responsible for ensuring the veracity thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, given that this website and the services offered on it are not intended for minors, FEHI reserves the right to request that you provide via the website, evidence of your age by sending a scanned photocopy of their National I.D. Card or of an equivalent document showing your date of birth. Likewise, if you do not comply with this requirement satisfactorily, within the time limit indicated by FEHI, the latter reserves the right to cancel your account.

Similarly, you undertake to keep FEHI safe from any claim as may be lodged against it (particularly, in the event of the opening of an inquiry by the Spanish Data Protection Agency) on account of noncompliance by you of the obligations established in this Privacy Policy as well as in the legislation in force at all times with respect to the protection of personal data and agrees to pay whatever amount to which FEHI may be liable, as a penalty, fine, indemnity, damages or interest, including lawyers’ fees, as a result of such noncompliance.
